Zoznam financovaných projektov:
Číslo projektu | Názov projektu | Príjemca | Schválená podpora v € | Výzva | Vedný odbor | ZK projektu* |
DO7RP-0050-12 | Detection of Watercourse Contamination in Developing Countries using Sensor Networks - Enlarged | Ústav hydrológie SAV | 36 352.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0045-12 | Glycerol Biorefinery Approach for the Production of High Quality Products od Industrial Value | Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave | 72 849.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0043-12 | Regional Anaesthesia Simulator and Assistant | Žilinská univerzita v Žiline | 16 629.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0042-12 | Linked Open Data for enviroment protection in Smart Regions | Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia | 20 526.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0041-12 | Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network | Ústav informatiky SAV | 78 575.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0037-12 | Rewiring the Streptomyces cell factory for cost-effective production of biomolecules | Ústav molekulárnej biológie SAV | 58 560.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0036-12 | Global ATM security management | Ústav informatiky SAV | 37 132.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0029-12 | Assessing and Monitoring the Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems | Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre | 55 400.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0027-12 | Welfare, Wealth and Work for Europe | Ekonomická univerzita v Bratislave | 3 680.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0025-12 | The Community Based Comprehensive Recovery | Žilinská univerzita v Žiline | 31 008.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0023-12 | Employment 2025: How will multiple transitions affect the European labour market | Inštitút pre dobre spravovanú spoločnosť | 79 299.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0022-12 | Securing the spices and herbs commodity chains against deliberate,accidental or natural biological and chemical contamination | Národné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum | 39 132.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0020-12 | Superconducting, reliable,lightweight,and more powerful offshore wind turbine | Elektrotechnický ústav SAV | 29 647.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0014-12 | Protection of consumers by microbial risk mitigation through combating segregation of expertise | Národné poľnohospodárske a potravinárske centrum | 28 608.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
DO7RP-0012-12 | Occupant Aware, Inteligent and Adaptive Enterprises | Technická univerzita v Košiciach (EkF) | 32 470.00 | DO7RP (2012) | - | - |
* Záverečná karta (ZK) projektu je len pri ukončených projektoch