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Databáza financovaných projektov

Zoznam financovaných projektov:

Číslo projektu Názov projektu Príjemca Schválená podpora v € Výzva Vedný odbor ZK projektu*
DO7RP-0024-10 Blue - Enterprise and Trade Statistics Inštitút informatiky a štatistiky 64 000.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0023-10 Meeting the Materials and Manufacturing Challenge for Ultra High Efficiency PF Power Plants with CCS Výskumný ústav zváračský - Priemyselný inštitút SR 83 900.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0022-10 European Media Policies Revisited: Valuing and Reclaiming Free and Independent Media in Contemporary Democratic Systems Škola komunikácie a médií, n.o. 31 560.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0018-10 Comparative Analysis of Factor Markets for Agriculture across the Member States Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre 33 150.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0016-10 European Biodiversity Observation Network: Design of a Plane for an Integratd Biodiversity Observing System in Space and Time Ústav krajinnej ekológie SAV 38 400.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0013-10 Smart Nanostructured Semiconductors for Energy-Saving Light Solutions Medzinárodné Laserové Centrum 96 600.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0023-09 Micro and Nanocrystalline Silicide - Refractory Metals FGM for Materials Innovation in Transport Applications Ústav materiálov a mechaniky strojov, SAV 129 088.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0021-09 Models and their Effects on Development paths: an Ethnographic and comparative Approach to knowledge transmission and livelilhood strategies Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied UK 48 600.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0020-09 Assessment of the impacts of non-tariff barriers-NTB on the competitiveness of the EU and selected trade partners Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita v Nitre 20 741.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0020-08 Innovative and practical management approaches to reduce nitrogen excretion by ruminants Centrum výskumu živočíšnej výroby 44 035.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0019-09 Nano-optical mechanical systems Ústav polymérov SAV 97 240.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0019-08 Early Recognition, Monitoring and Integrated Management of Emerging, New Technology Related Risks Strojnícka fakulta TUKE 16 075.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0018-09 Low-Temperature Heat Exchangers based on Thermally-Conductive Polymer Nanocomsites Ústav polymérov SAV 33 318.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0018-08 Health system and long term care for older people in Europe- Modeling the INTERface and LINKS between prevention, rehabiliation, quality of service and informalcare. Inštitút pre výskum práce a rodiny 27 900.00DO7RP (2008) - -
DO7RP-0017-09 Metastatic tumors facilitated by hypoxic tumor micro environments Virologický ústav, SAV 136 800.00DO7RP (2008) - -

* Záverečná karta (ZK) projektu je len pri ukončených projektoch

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